Day 60; Moroni 9-10
I am tackling the Book of Mormon in 60 days. My plan is to have the Book of Mormon studied by the end of 2011. During my challenge, I will post a daily blog of my reading, in this blog I will share with you... my thoughts, feelings, opinions and knowledge about the Book of Mormon. Do you have questions? Comments? Please... lets start a discussion. I would be more than happy to answer your questions, comments or concerns!
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How the Book of Mormon came about:
Scripture Thought (What I Learned):
Chapter 9: Moroni includes a second letter written to him from his father Mormon. Mormon writes about how both the Lamanites and the Nephites are depraved and degenerate without any civilization, like wild beasts. They have lost all goodliness... torturing and murdering each other. Mormon prays that Moroni will be full of grace and goodness forever.
Chapter 10: Moroni leaves us with his writings and gives us a promise of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. He promises that anyone who, with real intent of the heart, asks God will know of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and that witness of its truth will be brought forth through the Holy Ghost. Spiritual gifts are given to those who are faithful.
Moroni leaves his last words, exhorting anyone who reads the Book of Mormon to follow Jesus Christ and be perfected in him.
I also leave my own testimony of the Book of Mormon. I can assure anyone reading the Book of Mormon that it is truly what it says it is, Another Testament of Jesus Christ! In these last days we see more and more of the prophecies of Revelations and other books of the Bible be fulfilled, we live in a scary time in the history of the world, a time of great uncertainty. But we don't have to live in the dark, the Book of Mormon is an evidence that God still loves his children today, tomorrow and forever! How wonderful is it, that God has given us more of his word? It is a reminder that he has not forgotten about his children, and will not ever forget! He has called prophets and apostles today! The church of Jesus Christ, the same church that he established in his mortal ministry, is here again TODAY!
I know that these things are true, and the only way to know for yourself is to read the Book of Mormon, ponder the message and teachings in your heart and then ask God in a sincere, heartfelt prayer if these things are true and if they are true, God will manifest them to you through the Holy Ghost!
I know that these things are true and I invite everyone to see for themselves!
I also suggest these movies to understand more about Mormons.