Friday, March 30, 2012

Joshua 1-2

Joshua 1-2

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey!

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 1: Be of Good Courage

                After the death of Moses, Joshua takes on the great responsibility of filling the shoes of the great prophet. I think that Joshua may feel overwhelmed, because the Lord keeps telling him to not be afraid and to be of good courage. The Lord commands Joshua to mediate upon the law and the words of the books, that he might be able to follow the commandments.

                "...thou shalt mediate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success" (Joshua 1:8)

                What can we learn from the above verse? We learn about the importance of study, especially in the commandments of the Lord. We learn that it is important to constantly study, ponder and pray about the scriptures that we read. If we do this we will have a better understanding of the words and know how to act, thus making us more prosperous and successful in our lives.

                Joshua begins to prepare Israel to enter into the land of Canaan.

Chapter 2: Spies to Jericho

                Joshua sends out spies to the land of Canaan. The two spies come across a house of a harlot who gives them a place to stay. But the king of Jericho finds out that two unknown men came into their land, so he goes to search for them.... but the harlot hides the men on the roof and tells a lie about where the two men had gone in order to help the two spies escape. She asks them for kindness like she had given to them when they come to destroy Jericho... because she trembled at the power of the Lord that led them into the promised land.

Summary of Deuteronomy

Summary of Deuteronomy

Summary of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 1-2Israel During 40 Years/ Israel Moves Toward Promised Land
Deuteronomy 3-4People of Bashan are Destroyed/ Scattering and Gathering of Israel
Deuteronomy 5-610 Commandments/Keep the Commandments and Love God
Deuteronomy 7-8The Mercy of the Lord/Don't Forget God
Deuteronomy 9-1040 Days and 40 Nights Fasting/Love God
Deuteronomy 11-12Love God/Don't Eat Blood
Deuteronomy 13-14Don't Worship False Gods/What you can and cannot eat
Deuteronomy 15-16Care for the Poor/ Israel Shall Keep the Passover
Deuteronomy 17-18Laws of God/ A Prophet Will Arise
Deuteronomy 19-20Murders to be Put to Death/Laws of War
Deuteronomy 21-22Disobedience/Laws of Moses
Deuteronomy 23-24The Congregation/Laws of Moses
Deuteronomy 25-26Marriage Law/Law of Tithing
Deuteronomy 27-28Cursed Be.../ Blessings and Curses
Deuteronomy 29-30Obedience=Blessings, Disobedience= Cursing/  Blessings and Curses
Deuteronomy 31-32Be Strong and of Good Courage/The Rock of Salvation
Deuteronomy 33-34Moses Blesses the Son's of Israel/ Moses Dies

Chapters 1-4: The journey through the wilderness from Horeb (Sinai) to Kadesh and then to Moab is recalled.

Chapters 4-11: After a second introduction at 4:44-49 the events at Mount Horeb (Mt. Sinai) are recalled, with the giving of the Ten Commandments. Heads of families/tribes are commanded to instruct those under their care in the law, warnings are made against serving gods other than the Lord, the land promised to Israel is praised, and the people are commandmed to obedience.

Chapters 12-26, the Deuteronomic code: Laws governing Israel's worship (chapters 12-16), the appointment and regulation of community and religious leaders (16-18), social regulation (19-25), and confession of identity and loyalty (26).

Chapters 27-28: Blessings and curses for those who keep and break the law.

Chapters 29-30: Concluding discourse on the covenant in the land of Moab, including all the laws in the Deuteronomic code (chapters 12-26) after those given at Horeb; Israel is again exhorted to obedience.

Chapters 31-34: Joshua is installed as Moses' successor, Moses delivers the law to the Levites (priests), and ascends Mount Nebo/Pisgah, where he dies and is buried by God. The narrative of these events is interrupted by two poems, the Song of Moses and the Blessing of Moses.

Moses was a great prophet.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Deuteronomy 33-34

Deuteronomy 33-34

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey!

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 33: Moses Blesses the Son's of Israel

                Moses blesses each of the tribes of Israel; Levi is blessed to teach the Lord's judgments and his law, Joseph is blessed above all. Through the lineage of Joseph, shall the tribes of Israel be gathered in the latter days. The tribe of Joseph and its descendents are those of the Book of Mormon. The people of the Ancient Americas who came over to the Americas around 600 b.c.

Chapter 34: Moses Dies

                Moses is taken by the Lord to see the promised land. It does not tell us how, but my guess by spirit that Moses sees the promised land. The land that God had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

                Moses was the greatest prophet of Israel (verse 10), he died at the age of 120 years old. But when he died, he died without problems, and void of any disease or signs of illness. (verse 5-7). He was buried in the land of Moab, against Bethpeor. But to this day no one knows the exact location of his burial site. For information on the birth of Moses; refer to Exodus 2.

Deuteronomy 31-32

Deuteronomy 31-32

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey!

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 31: Be Strong and of Good Courage

                Moses gathers the congregation of Israel and announces that he is old; 120 years old. He tells the congregation to "Be strong and of a good courage..." (Deuteronomy 31:6). The Lord knows that the Israelites will be tempted and do all manner of wickedness, especially in the last days (verse 29)... so he commands Moses to reveal the book of law, which shall be read every seven years at the feast of the tabernacle and shall be "...a witness against thee." (Deuteronomy 31:26), essentially saying that ignorance is not an option, seeing as the Lord has provided many ways to know of his commandments.

                Moses tells the Israelites that in the last days people will hide their face from the Lord and abandon him... and then when trouble comes... they will ask WHERE IS GOD? (verse 17). This evil WILL happen in the "Latter Days" (verse 29).

Chapter 32: The Rock of Salvation

                Israel sings the song of Moses; announcing that God speaks to the heavens and the earth. "He is the Rock, his work is perfect; for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he" (Deuteronomy 32:4)

                The foolish and unwise shall be ungrateful for the hand of the Lord in their lives, for those who don't know or are doubting "Remember the days of old, consider the ears of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell they." (Deuteronomy 32:7)

                Israel was known in the pre-existence and chosen in this life by God to be his people. But they forgot the Rock of their Salvation and because of this the Lord sent terror, war and vengeance upon them.

                Moses speaks of the nations in the latter days (our current times) that they would be nations "...void of counsel... oh that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end" (Deuteronomy 32:28-29). Moses is saying that the nations and people in the last days won't consider the truth and will become unwise, following after their own will and not of God's will.

                The Lord speaks of his almighty power; "...I kill, and I make alive; I would and I heal..." (Deuteronomy 32:39) There is NO other god before the Lord.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Deuteronomy 29-30

Deuteronomy 29-30

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey! 

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 29: Obedience=Blessings, Disobedience= Cursing

                Israel makes a covenant with the Lord that if they are obedient they will be blessed and if they are disobedient they shall be cursed.

                In verse 6, it states that they knew God by not eating or drinking wine. Two ways to take this, fasting (by abstaining from food and water, helps you to feel the spirit), or that not drinking alcohol (keeping your body a temple and treating it that way, helps you to see God, sober.)

                I personally believe that it is a combination of both, fasting and abstaining from Alcohol. Moses also says that they who disobey the Lord will be cursed, like the cursing of the book (of Deuteronomy). In verse 29 it talks about the secrets of the Lord can be revealed. How can you have revelation if the Canon of the Bible is closed? You can't. That is why the LDS church believes that there is an open Canon.

Chapter 30: Blessings and Curses

                When Israel scatters, the Lord promises to gather them again. The Lord tells the people that he will remember the covenant that he has made with them. Moses tells the people that they can either live or die, but they must obey the commandments if they want blessings. OR they can be cursed with all manner of curses.

                VERSE 6-7, Love God with all your heart and mind, and he shall curse your enemies.

                VERSE 14-17, Listen to God and do what he wants or you WILL fall away!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Deuteronomy 27-28

Deuteronomy 27-28

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey! 

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 27: Cursed Be...

                Israel will cross Jordan to build an altar and worship the Lord. The Children of Israel, are the Lord's people, but curses shall be among them if they do not obey him.

                Moses speaks to the congregation of Israel and outlines the curses that can be brought among them if they chose to disobey him:

·         Cursed be... "...the man that maketh any graven images or molten images..." (Deuteronomy 27:15)
o   Don't worship other gods.
·         Cursed be... "...he that setteth light by his father or his mother (setteth light: disgraces)..." (Deuteronomy 27:16)
o   Don't disgrace your parents.
·         Cursed be... "...he that removeth his neighbors landmark..." (Deuteronomy 27:17)
o   Don't steal property.
·         Cursed be... "...he that perverteth the judgement of the stranger, fatherless, and widow..." (Deuteronomy 27:18)
o   Don't falsely accuse someone of something that they did not do.
·         Cursed be... "...he that lieth with his father's wife..." (Deuteronomy 27:19)
o   Incest is an abomination.
·         Cursed be... "...he that lieth with any manner of beast..." (Deuteronomy 27:20)
o   Bestiality is an abomination.
·         Cursed be... "...he that lieth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother..." (Deuteronomy 27:22)
o   Again, Incest is an abomination.
·         Cursed be... "...he that lieth with his mother in law..." (Deuteronomy 27:23)
o   Sexual sin.
·         Cursed be... "...he that smiteth his neighbor secretly..." (Deuteronomy 27:24)
o   Don't gossip or accuse someone falsely.
·         Cursed be... "...he that taketh a reward to slay an innocent person..." (Deuteronomy 27:25)
o   Don't murder for money or power.
·         Cursed be... "...he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them..." (Deuteronomy 27:26)
o   Anyone who disagrees with the laws, shall be cursed.

Chapter 28: Blessings and Curses

                If Israel is obedient they shall be blessed both spiritually and temporally (blessed in the things of God and the world). If the children of Israel disobey they shall be cursed, smitten and destroyed. The curses that lurk are; plagues, diseases, and oppression from foreign lands. If the congregation of Israel worships false gods, they will be enslaved by foreign powers, and will have their children eaten, yes eaten (see verse52-53).

Deuteronomy 25-26

Deuteronomy 25-26

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey! 

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 25: Marriage Law

                In Israel, judges will pass down sentences for those who commit crimes and wickedness. Marriage law in Israel provides that if a woman's husband die and they have no children, that the brother of the husband who died shall go in unto the widow and raise children unto his brother (verse 5).

                In doing business, Moses speaks about using just weights and measurements as to not deceive. Essentially today, you could say that Moses was speaking out about proper business ethics, to be fair and proper.

                Israel is commanded to "blot out" the Amalekites from under heaven, to kill them.

Chapter 26: Law of Tithing

                If you keep the law of tithing and help out your neighbor you will be blessed. See verse 12.

Deuteronomy 23-24

Deuteronomy 23-24

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey! 

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 23: The Congregation

                Moses speaks to the congregation and outlines who can and cannot enter into the congregation and more importantly the Tabernacle of Israel. Which of course from previous chapters and books includes all unclean things, including those who disobey and do not follow the commandments of God.

                Moses also outlines the laws of servants/slaves, usury and vows.

                Moses states that if a slave comes into the midst of the children of Israel and the slave master comes to claim his slave/servant that the children of Israel can give refuge to the servant/slave that has escaped. (verse 15-16) and he states that they (the children of Israel) should not oppress the slave, or in other words the slave is now free among them.

                Then in verses 19-20 Moses speaks about Usury, and that among strangers it is ok to have usury. Now I interpreted what Moses said, as the children of Israel were to not have interest rates, or very low interest rates among themselves on people who borrow money. But among outsiders whom were not part of the family that they would offer money to borrow at higher interest rates. Essentially helping out those who were family to you.

Chapter 24: Laws of Moses

                Moses outlines the law of divorce, saying;

                "When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house" (Deuteronomy 24:1)

                Essentially stating that only in unfaithfulness or any other sin against the holy matrimony shall divorce be permitted.

                Moses also speaks to the congregation regarding newly-weds, stating;

                "When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken" (Deuteronomy 24:5)

                If we took this literally, everyone who gets married would go on a 1 year honey moon, which I don't think would be very practical. But we can take from this, that everyone who gets married should ensure that they start their marriage off strong and make sure that a huge focus is placed on each other and the development of that beautiful relationship. If this is done, we can see a higher percentage of happy marriages.

                Moses then ends this chapter off, by stating that;

                 "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin" (Deuteronomy 24:16)

                The second Article of Faith of the LDS church states; "We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adam's transgression"

                Again we see a very clear principle in the Bible that is not followed by mainstream Christianity, for example many religions believe in the "original sin", that we are "naturally sinful" because of the transgression of Adam and Eve, and that is why some religions (the Catholic church for example) baptize infants, because they are "born with sin", this however, in my personally opinion is an abomination! Jesus himself said that

                "...Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little once which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." (Matthew 18:3-6)

                Jesus spoke out about offending the children, because they were part of heaven, and we must become like a child to enter into the kingdom of heaven. If that is true, how can a baby, completely innocent and incapable of committing sin, needs to be baptized to be cleansed of sin?

                The Book of Mormon has an entire chapter on the abomination of this practice. Moroni, who was ancient prophet who lived in the Americas spoke out about this;

                "...little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world; if not so, God is a partial God, and also a changeable God, and a respecter to persons; for how many little children have died without baptism! Wherefore, if little children could not be saved without baptism, these must have gone to an endless hell... For awful is the wickedness to suppose that God saveth one child because of baptism and the other must perish because he hath no baptism." (Moroni 8:12-14), see also MoroniChapter 8 in its entirety. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Deuteronomy 21-22

Deuteronomy 21-22

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey! 

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 21: Disobedience

                If anyone is found to be murdered and the culprit is unknown, then the priests shall find the murderer and take him to be slain in the valley.

                18-21 - If a son disobeys his parents, he shall be stoned to death.

                22-23 - If anyone breaks the commandments he shall be hanged.

Chapter 22: Laws of Moses

                Laws regarding;

  •          Lost Property, if you find something of your neighbors, then you shall hold on to it until your neighbors comes to claim it. This is very similar to lost property laws of the modern world.
  •          Wearing of Proper Clothes (verse 5): A woman shall not wear the clothing of a man, and a man shall not wear the clothing of a woman.
  •          Safety Railings: (verse 8): Installing safety railings, so that people don't fall from your roof. If they do, then the blood will not be on your hands.
  •          Marrying a virgin: If a man take a woman to be his wife and finds out that she is not a virgin, then he shall take her before the gates of the city to get the tokens of her virginity. If it is proven that she is not a virgin, then she shall be stoned to death.
  •          If a man lie with another man's wife, then both of them shall be stoned to death.
  •          If a man rape a woman, then the man shall be stoned to death.

Deuteronomy 19-20

Deuteronomy 19-20

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey! 

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 19: Murders to be Put to Death

                Cities of refuge among the children of Israel are established in cases of accidental manslaughter, so that the one who committed the accident can flee that he might not be killed out of revenge. If the person is to be found guilty by two or three witnesses (verse 15), then they shall be put to death. Anyone who is a false witness shall be punished.

                Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses, the word shall be established. This is one of the reasons that missionaries in the LDS church preach in pairs, and sometimes in trios.

Chapter 20: Laws of War

                When the children of Israel are to go to battle, they are reminded to not be worried when the opposing army is bigger, because the Lord will stand by them. They are told to take care of unfinished business before they go to war, that they might be able to enjoy life in the case that they are killed in battle.

                If the children of Israel or anyone goes to war upon a city that wants peace, and are genuine about this peace offering, you must respect it. However, if they want war, then they are commanded to smite all the males with their sword, and kill them in the city. Women, children and animals are to be spared and part of the spoils of war.

                Israelites are commanded to "utterly destroy" the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and the Jebusites. 

Deuteronomy 17-18

Deuteronomy 17-18

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey!    

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 17: Laws of God

                God warns about sacrificing animals that are not perfect or are found to have blemishes or evil. He also warns about worshiping false gods. Anyone who does worship false gods shall be stoned to death.

                Any time a case is difficult to be easily judged, the people shall take it before the priests to decide the sentence of the wrongdoer.

Chapter 18: A Prophet Will Arise

                The Lord explains why the tribe of Levi shall not receive the same inheritance as the rest of the tribes of Israel. The reason for this, is that the tribe of Levi will receive the Lord as their inheritance, they have been chosen by him to minister for his people. They are sustained by the people and must abide by all of the commandments, just like the rest of the tribes of Israel.

                God speaks of a prophet, that will arise like Moses. This prophet is a prophecy of Jesus. See verses 9-18. The Lord says that he will put words in his mouth, and that just like Moses and future prophets the people of the Lord should hearken unto the voice of the prophet, because the prophet is the mouth piece of the Lord.

So here is a question which the Lord knew the Israelites would ask; "...How shall we know the word which the Lord hath spoken?" (Deuteronomy 18:21) and the Lord responds by saying;

                "When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him" (Deuteronomy 18:22)

                So what does that mean? I take it like this... A prophet is only a prophet when he is speaking as one. A prophet is just another person, only he is called of God to be his mouth piece. So that means that he has times when he speaks as himself (with his own personality and everything) and then there are times when he speaks as a prophet, with the power and authority of God. We need to understand the two differences, and know when something said is actually "word of God" vs "the words of man". Not to discredit what prophets of old and modern prophets say. But we must understand that they are only the mouth piece of God.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Deuteronomy 15-16

Deuteronomy 15-16

This year, I plan on reading the Old Testament of the Bible within the 2012 calendar year. Follow me on this journey!  

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 15: Care for the Poor

                The first two verses talk about the "Lord's Release" which is when creditors lend money and you are unable to pay it back, that after 7 years they release the debt and pretend that it doesn't exist. This is actually very interesting because in at least most of the states in the U.S.A exist laws that protect the debtor, releasing or having statute of limitations on debt that is 5, 6 or 7 years old. Essentially if the creditor doesn't collect in those years, then the debt becomes invalid. It is interesting how we base our laws off of things as old as the Bible. But if you think about it, the 10 commandments are probably the most basic idea of civility in the world. Ask people what is considered "bad", I guarantee they will say; murder, stealing etc. The point is that the Bible and all holy texts have a huge benefit for mankind. If used properly.

                Verse 6 warns about debt. Something the world is very much in. It states that we should be the lenders, and that if we are we will be blessed. Now this is just my idea, but a lot of righteous people are blessed financially and can be "lenders" to those in need. Always staying away from debt when at all possible.

Chapter 16: Israel Shall Keep the Passover

                See Numbers28 for rituals of the Passover and Exodus 12 for the Origins of the Passover.

                Israel is commanded to keep the Passover in the Month Abib. All males appear 3 times annually before the Lord at three feasts.