Sunday, June 2, 2013

Song of Solomon 1-2

Song of Solomon 1-2

Chapter 1: Love and Devotion

                Solomon writes about Love and Devotion, he describes kisses and love as “…better than wine.” (Song of Solomon 1:2). One interesting thing is that Solomon describes himself as being black, because of the sun. Not sure if this means that Solomon is black or just tanned from the sun.

                Before I go any further I must point out that this Book is also referred to (by some) as the “Song of Songs” because there is much debate over whether or not the book was actually written by Solomon. But since the book mentions the name Solomon, we will use it.

                Solomon describes his love as having “…doves’ eyes.” (Song of Solomon 1:15). I think most people can relate to these feelings of “love”.

Chapter 2: The Beloved Ones

                The author explains that he is “…sick of love.” (Song of Solomon 2:5) The author goes on to explain that “The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing birds is come… and the vine with the tender grapes give a good smell…” (Song of Solomon 2:12-13)

                Again, we see that the chapter is about the authors love and the feelings that come with being in love.

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