Scripture Thought (What I Learned):
Proverbs 5 and 6 have a very clear message that is directed towards men, but
can easily be applied to women. That message is pretty simple; 1: Don’t
fornicate or commit adultery; 2: Be careful who you marry or who you trust in
general. People can deceive and have lying lips that appear to be sweet as ‘honey’
but once you partake the ‘sweet honey’ turns ‘bitter’; 3: Once you are married
is important to stay married and ensure that both partners feel a strong
connection on all levels that includes a very healthy sexual intimacy.
believe that all too often (especially in the LDS Church) that sex is talked
about as something evil and perverted. Which is true if done outside of
marriage, but in marriage it should be something that both husband and wife can
have sexual fulfillment that will keep them from lust and sin. Eternal Marriage
goes one step beyond traditional marriage in the sense that being married to
someone who you can trust with your physical and spiritual life. Husband and
wife should be a check and balance system to ensure that both return to our
Heavenly Father and dwell in the Celestial Kingdom. God knew that man was weak,
so he gave man the woman to keep man in check and ensure that we will return to
live with him. Mankind in general is weak, and men and women sin. But if man
and woman are bound together in Holy Matrimony they become ONE, just like God
the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are ONE, one in purpose.
Chapter 5: Don’t Divorce
In this
proverb we learn a lot about the importance of marriage to the right person. We
also learn about the evils of the world and the ways that man can be tricked
into evil ways.
lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than
oil:” (Proverbs 5:3)
this is a warning to men who may get caught in the trap of lusting after a
woman who may appear to have “lips of honey” and someone who is a “smooth”
talker. She may appear to be sweet, but… “…her end is bitter… sharp as a twoedged
sword… her steps take hold on hell… her ways are moveable, that thou canst not
know them.” (Proverbs 5:4-6)
counsel given in this proverb is very clear: “Remove thy way far from her…”
(Proverbs 5:8)
But the
proverb continues to tell us who we should marry “Let thy fountain be blessed: and
rejoice with the wife of thy youth. Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant
roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always
with her love.” (Proverbs 5:18-19)
very important to remember and take away from this Proverb… sex is not evil. Sex
outside of marriage is evil. Those who are married should enjoy sexual intimacy
between one another and if a healthy sexual relationship is balanced with all
other activities of being married, spending time together, working through
problems together, having children etc… then the marriage will be successful
and filled with love. God does not want us engaging in sexual relations before
marriage and wants to make sure that once we are married, WE STAY married. God
does not like divorce.
Chapter 6: Seven things the Lord Hates
proverb lists seven things that the Lord hates (in my version of the Bible,
which is the King James Version it tells me that there are ‘6’ things the Lord
hates, I like to classify them as 7.
“A proud look…”
(Proverbs 6:17)
“…a lying
tongue…” (Proverbs 6:17)
“…hands that
shed innocent blood.” (Proverbs 6:17)
“An heart that
deviseth wicked imaginations…” (Proverbs 6:18)
“…feet that be
swift in running to mischief.” (Proverbs 6:18)
“A false
witness that speaketh lies…” (Proverbs 6:19)
“…he that
soweth discord among brethren.” (Proverbs 6:19)
God does not like sin, period. The
laws don’t change, we either choose to follow them or we don’t. “For
the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction
are the way of life:” (Proverbs 6:23)
the law is light, we can choose how much light we want in our lives by
adjusting the amount we follow the commandments (our lantern), if we chose to
not follow the commandments it is like not putting any oil (or batteries) in
our lamp. If we chose to follow the commandments and fill our lantern with
fresh oil or batteries then we can have more of the light. If we go against
this WE WILL be left in the dark. We also have to understand that criticism and
even chastisement is part of life and it occurs for our own learning.
proverbs ends by re-addressing what we learned from Proverbs 5; that is “…whoso
committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it
destroyeth his own soul.” (Proverbs 6:32)
adultery, or fornication (sex outside of the bonds of marriage) will be wounded
and dishourned and will carry that sin for life (Proverbs 6:33)
must remember that “…jealousy is the rage of a man…” (Proverbs 6:34)
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