Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 37; Alma 51-54

Day 37; Alma 51-54

I am tackling the Book of Mormon in 60 days. My plan is to have the Book of Mormon studied by the end of 2011. During my challenge, I will post a daily blog of my reading, in this blog I will share with you... my thoughts, feelings, opinions and knowledge about the Book of Mormon. Do you have questions? Comments? Please... lets start a discussion. I would be more than happy to answer your questions, comments or concerns!

Request a FREE copy of the Book of Mormon:
How the Book of Mormon came about:   

Scripture Thought (What I Learned):

Chapter 51: A group of people is formed that go against the free government that the Nephites had setup, they call themselves the king-men. Moroni commands his people to defend their liberty or be put to death. The Lamanites gain some ground, when they take some of the fortified cities of the Nephites! But Teancum stops the invasion by sneaking into the tent of Amalickiah and stabs him in the heart. Their king is killed and the lamanites retreat.

Chapter 52: After the Lamanites find out that their King, King Amalickiah was killed, they retreat back and appoint a new king, Amalickiah's brother, the new king, King Ammoron. Moroni, Teancum and Lehi lead the Nephites to victory in a war against the Lamanites. The city of Mulek is retaken and the Lamanite Jacob is slain. Many Lamanites put down their weapons at the feet of Moroni, for fear of being killed. Many more refuse and are bound in prison.

Chapter 53: The prisoners of war that the Nephites have are used to fortify the Nephite cities. The Nephite Dissenters give rise to the Lamanite victories and the Nephites start to recruit more soldiers. But a part of the Nephites had made a covenant to never raise arms, and therefore they could not. But many of those same Nephites had sons, who had never entered into any covenant, they soldiers, led by Helaman were the 2,000 Stripling Warriors, who were " of truth and soberness, they had been taught to keep the commandments and walk uprightly before him." (Alma 53:21)

Chapter 54: Ammoron and Moroni negotiate the exchange of prisoners, Mormon demands that the Lamanites stop their murderous attacks. Ammoron demands that the Nephites lay down their weapons. They send each other epistles (letters) back and forth arguing.

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